Available Now
- Panacea - A soothing blend of black tea, a salve for all that ails you. calming, relaxing, and warming, this blend is good for all occasions. we love panacea with a bit of cream & honey!
- Manifest - A warm blend of black tea. Especially helpful for an extra boost of spellpower or will manifestation!
- Refresh - A blend of warmth with a pinch of fresh, this blend is the perfect push when you need it and a gentle pick-me-up for when you're down.
- Samhain - The veil is opening, can you see it? Quickly, set the table. Offer this blend of smoky, sweet tea to your ancestors. Enjoy the night. Don't be afraid.
- Yule - This blend is full of warmth and happy memories. Reminisce and be comforted; brighter days are coming.
- Imbolc - A candle, a lullaby, and a big, snuggly blanket swirled up in a cup! Bid farewell to winter and welcome spring!
- Ostara - There is something new in the air. The wind is gentle and sweet. The sun kisses your face. For once, your heart feels lighter. Why not celebrate the little things?
- Beltane - Welcome spring with this invigorating blend of spices! Awaken your spirit along with the rest of nature - it's time to reignite your hearth! Don’t let these flames die out.
ingredients: black tea, lavender, cinnamon, ginger, orange, clove, blue cornflower, vanilla, natural pumpkin spice flavor, bergamot, cardamom, marigold, & natural creme flavor.
ingredients: black tea, cinnamon, ginger, orange peel, apricot, clove, peach, coconut, cardamom, marigold, & lemongrass.
ingredients: green tea, apple pieces, orange, natural lemon flavor, peppermint, marigold flowers, natural vanilla flavor, & natural creme flavor.
ingredients: Black tea, honeybush tea, cinnamon, apple pieces, clove, orange, aniseed, lapsang souchong tea, cocoa nibs, rose hips, red peppercorn, ginger, cardamom, safflower, marigold, & natural hazelnut flavor.
ingredients: black tea, pu erh tea, orange peel, cinnamon, cocoa nibs, clove, natural chocolate flavor, & blue cornflower.
ingredients: black tea, oolong tea, valerian root, honeybush tea, lavender, chamomile, orange, almond, spearmint, blue cornflower, passion flower, vanilla, lemon balm, bergamot, cherries, & natural creme flavor.
ingredients: green tea, white tea, apple pieces, marigold, orange, lavender, lemon, peach, peppermint, spring darjeeling tea, vanilla, & natural creme flavor.
ingredients: ginger, lemongrass, cinnamon, pineapple, white tea, green tea, coconut, clove, cardamom, natural spice flavor, apple pieces, natural wild cherry flavor, rose petals, red peppercorns, & cherries.
Coming Soon
- Litha - Coming soon!
- Lughnasadh - Climb the highest hill in your neighborhood. Bury the first harvest of the year. Thank the earth for its gifts and the workers for their labor. Then dance the night away. Dance until you can't.
- Mabon - Coming soon!
ingredients: white tea, orange, green rooibos tea, blueberries, mandarin, raspberry leaves, rosehips, hibiscus, cranberries, & blue cornflower.
ingredients: black tea, blueberries, rose petals, raspberry leaves, & rose flavor.
ingredients: black tea, vanilla, clove, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, natural flavors (creme, caramel, pumpkin spice), & marigold.